Pre-demolition audit
A pre-demolition audit is a voluntary investigation that covers the materials and any hazardous substances in the building to be demolished. You can request a Lotus demolition and survey specialist to carry out this audit. We recommend that you have a pre-demolition audit conducted in order to obtain comprehensive information about the demolition site and its materials. This enables us to pay optimal attention to the reuse, utilisation and recycling of the materials even before starting the demolition work.
The pre-demolition audit creates good prerequisites for the appropriate utilisation of demolition materials, helps prevent environmental and health-related risks and ensures the high quality of the demolition process. In addition, this data can be utilised when preparing the C&D waste notification required for the construction and demolition permit (source: ym.fi).
The Finnish Ministry of the Environment has issued instructions and documentation samples for pre-demolition audits, and these are used by Lotus specialists conducting pre-demolition audits.
A final report is prepared of a pre-demolition audit. Lotus Demolition usually observes the structure of the pre-demolition audit report outlined in the recommendations of the Ministry of the Environment.