Industrial demolition
In the field of industrial demolition, we are provenly the most experienced service provider with the most versatile references. Our competence covers the demolition of all kinds of factories and other industrial sites. Lotus Demolition has implemented demolition projects of paper mills, pulp mills, steelworks, power plants and even entire factory areas.
We have a large pool of highly competent professionals with total accumulated experience of hundreds of years. We are known for our honest, transparent operating practices, occupational safety, and solid project management.
When you work with us, you can rely on us keeping all our promises. Another manifestation of our reliability is the fact that as the market leader, we always have sufficient resources – human resources, machinery and equipment, as well as financial means – to implement projects. Project management is our particular strength in large demolition projects. Thanks to our efficient project management, the customer can rest assured that the project will be implemented safely and responsibly with a high-quality outcome.
Versatile equipment with sufficient reach for demanding industrial demolition
Demanding sites require versatile equipment. We have suitable equipment for even the most demanding sites, from the controlled demolition of structures from the height of several dozen metres to the safe demolition of chimney-stacks taller than one hundred metres.
We have implemented the demolition of several chimney-stacks in factory areas, including the tallest chimney-stack in Finland, the 153-metre chimney in Kristiinankaupunki. With our own equipment, we can dismantle a chimney from ground level up to a height of 40 metres.
We are developing a new method for the demolition of chimneys. The chimney demolition machine we are working on will further improve the safety and efficiency of chimney-stack demolition.
Occupational safety first
Industrial demolition sites are often large-sized, and the project requires thorough planning. Occupational safety plays a key role in our project management and all of our operations. Occupational safety reporting is also an integral part of our project reporting and documentation.