Demolition work at pipe renovation sites
Pipe renovation is a demanding project that must be carefully planned and managed in order to ensure flawless progress and avoid problems and unexpected additional costs.
Lotus Demolition’s pipe renovation concept includes a total site management solution and makes the process easy for the customer. For example, it ensures uninterrupted transitions between work phases and thus keeps the contract on schedule.
When you partner with Lotus, you have one service provider taking overall responsibility and managing the entire project from start to finish, including overall documentation. This generates many benefits regarding the quality and efficiency of work. In addition, you get comprehensive project documentation.
What is included in the Lotus pipe renovation concept?
The pipe renovation concept covers a survey of hazardous materials, protection needs and structures at the renovation site. It also includes on-site conditions management, such as various protections, dust control, and moisture and temperature monitoring. Conditions monitoring can also be implemented using online monitoring. In addition, our concept includes all tasks related to demolition in pipe renovation, such as the removal of hazardous materials, manual demolition work, diamond drilling and cutting, and chases.
In addition to demolition, we implement firestops and finish by plastering all surfaces so that they are level and ready for the next phase. We take all waste for appropriate processing and document the entire project from start to finish.