Second Hand
Lotus Demolition Second Hand

Lotus seeks and finds new homes in Finland and around the world for equipment and machinery removed from decommissioned industrial facilities. Our operations are responsible and sustainable. Our resale activities help fulfil the environmental goals of demolition work by reducing the amount of waste created in the process and decreasing the carbon footprint of the demolition project.
The demolition of buildings always results in various residual materials, such as concrete, wood and metals. Nearly all of them end up as raw materials for various branches of industry. However, even though much of the material is reused, its processing creates CO2 emissions. Therefore, by far the most sustainable solution in terms of material and resource efficiency is to repurpose both the construction elements and the equipment and machinery of a demolition site in their original condition.
Long experience and a global resale network
Lotus Demolition is a sustainable trailblazer of the demolition sector, reselling equipment and machinery from decommissioned industrial sites on behalf of the party ordering the demolition. The success of reselling is based on our uniquely extensive experience and our global network of distributors. In the past decades, we’ve sold the production line of a decommissioned paper mill to a German company, delivered the autoclaves of an old power plant to Mexico, and so much more. We are often able to find homes for reusable equipment in Finland as well. When searching for potential buyers, we leave no stone unturned! The schedules of the projects are usually extremely strict, spurring us on our way to the shared goal; the successful sales of the products and saving them from getting smelted, for example.
Resales start the moment you sign the contract
Systematic operations are the most important prerequisite for efficient and safe demolition. When a demolition site contains equipment and machinery planned to be reused, systematic planning becomes even more vital. The experienced planners of Lotus ensure that the work stages and schedules of the demolition project enable the optimal disconnection and transport of the resale products. The Lotus demolition team also provides its expertise to the customer, for example by precisely demolishing any walls and structures around the resale products at the right time with the best tools and competence in the industry. When needed, Lotus can also provide assistance in detaching equipment.
The importance of safety is also highlighted in resale projects; the representatives of the buyers and the parties preparing and carrying out the disconnection of the equipment are always given thorough orientation on the safety policies of the worksite. Any equipment and machinery to be reused are also isolated from the rest of the demolition zone as efficiently as possible with safety guards or other solutions.
Examples of products resold from our demolition sites:
- Nearly all types of general industrial devices
- Food industry equipment, machinery and production lines
- Energy industry equipment, machinery and production lines
- Chemical industry equipment, machinery and production lines
- Material processing machinery
- Containers, tanks and autoclaves
- HPAC and electrical equipment
- Halls, roofs and stairs
- Other large-scale machinery
“In addition to demolishing your building, we are looking for a buyer for your machinery and equipment”