Asbestos and hazardous materials removal

…managed, precise, professional manner with high-quality results. We use the compartmentalisation method in asbestos removal. The site is compartmentalised, and a vacuum is created in the compartment so that impurities…


…much material there is. This gives you completely new opportunities for planning and implementing the reuse and recycling of the materials. We advocate for material efficiency – together with our…

Asbestos and hazardous material survey

materials examined, risk assessments on materials not examined, instructions and information on subsequent measures and on the interpretation of the report. Checklist for asbestos and hazardous material surveys: An asbestos…

Pre-demolition audit

The Finnish Ministry of the Environment has issued instructions and documentation samples for pre-demolition audits, and these are used by Lotus specialists conducting pre-demolition audits.  A final report is prepared…


…constantly develop the quality of our environmental protection. Management and employee commitment and competence are the prerequisites for the achievement of our goal. We provide training to our employees on…


materials, and also the demolition carbon footprint calculation. This brings direct benefits for the customer. We are committed to ensuring that the customer gets exactly what they order and always according…

Moisture surveys

…The moisture survey closely examines the reasons and causes of the damage. It also includes a moisture and heat technical investigation of structures, structural openings, and long-term measurements. The survey…

Demolition work at pipe renovation sites

Lotus Demolition’s pipe renovation concept includes a total site management solution and makes the process easy for the customer. For example, it ensures uninterrupted transitions between work phases and thus…

Indoor air quality inspection and measurement

…used to examine, for example, smelly compounds in the indoor air. Samples are collected from the room air with a sampling pump. The inspected substances include ammonia, formaldehyde, carbon dioxide,…

Lotus Demolition Second Hand

The demolition of buildings always results in various residual materials, such as concrete, wood and metals. Nearly all of them end up as raw materials for various branches of industry….